Complete-Ed Logo


A new name to reflect our growth!

In the lifecycle of our company, the name FolderFortress Ltd reflected a very specific element to our offering, cloud file storage. As we have developed our portfolio it has become clear to us that we also need to change our name.

It is with great excitement that I welcome you to Complete-ed Limited. Complete-ed is a broad range of products and services aiming to help organisations, most frequently in education, to flourish. Whether you want something implemented on your site, on your hardware or you are looking for a managed service where everything is taken care of, Complete-ed can help.

Our brand new, flagship product is an information system that fills the gaps left by traditional MIS systems. By combining all the elements of HR, purchasing, communications, bookings, compliance, visitors, admissions, ticketing, policy management and more being added all the time, we aim to give you one single platform that give staff, pupils and parents everything they need. Furthermore, it has been designed to link into your existing system (currently limited to WCBS's Pass - but more coming) to save set up time, duplication and ease implementation.

Visit our new homepage:

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